Originally debuting as animated feature films on TOHO Cinemas, Paper Rabbit Rope episodes are now aired Monday through Friday on Fuji Television's morning news program, Mezamashi TV.
© KAMI USAGI ROPÉ PROJECT 2016 / Fuji Television Network, Inc.
Official Website:kamiusagi.jp
"KAMI USAGI ROPÉ - Morning Laugh Brings Good Fortune"
The series began it's Japan-wide airing since November 2012.
It is now airing Monday through Friday on Fuji Television's Mezamashi TV (5:25 - 8:00)
"KAMI USAGI ROPÉ ~The Last Day of Summer Vacation~
Featured in TOHO cinemas' trailer section throughout Japan. Also collaborating in theatres, as well as selling special accessories and toys in theatre stores.
6th and 7th discs are in stores now! They include episodes featuring Momoiro Clover Z.
KAMI USAGI ROPÉ became well known after collaborating with companies whose main target is those in their 20's
Bridgestone Taiyakan(2013~)
Movie "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb"(2015)
LION Oral Care Products(2014~2015)
Shiseido "ANESSA" "FWB"(2014)
Nippon Ham Products(2013/2014)
Tokyo Gas「Gas Exhibition」(2013)
Nissin Foods"Rao"(2013 United States of Odaima limited edition)
au by KDDI(2012)
Lottery(20cities throught Japan)(2012)
among others
Enjoy the dialogue between the two while playing puzzle games!
Take pictures with the two!
Selling over 300 types of goods including capsule and prize toys, stationaries, snacks, and other miscallenious goods.
Goods can be found in speciality stores like Fuji Television shop, TOHO cinemas shop, LOFT, Village Vanguard, Kiddy Land, and/or Kotobukiya among others.
Movie KAMI USAGI ROPÉ ~The Last Day of Summer Vacation~
In May 2012, feature-length movie was run throughout Japan (TOHO Cinenas Roppongi among others) which was a huge hit. DVDs are also in-store.